During these difficult times it’s easy to forget what really matters and that is why TEXO have such a strong bond with the Archie Foundation.
Whilst we understand that financial contributions are important, we also realise that there are other things that matter. During our various conversations we learned that the nurses station at Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital was less than fit for purpose for both efficiency and staff morale, and they had been trying to get something better in place. Funding is extremely limited right now, so that’s where TEXO stepped in.
Our Project Manager identified the requirements and what we needed to do to improve the space. TEXO Workspace Solutions then manufactured and installed the new nurses station to suit the hospital’s specific requirements, all of which was supported by the TEXO Foundation.
Being so close to Christmas we could not help ourselves, so along with the nurses station, we delivered lots of toys for the children and confectionery for the staff.
“No matter what we do, it can never be enough to support such a worthy cause. We just have to hear the name ‘Archie Foundation’ and our hearts go out. I am so proud of my team who without question gave up their time to deliver this project early one Saturday morning.
The team at Archie are a great bunch, and it goes without saying their commitment to the cause is second to none. We take much pleasure in supporting them, and each and every time it brings a tear to my eye when I stop and think of the service they are providing. A special thanks goes to Lynne Brooks from the Archie Foundation, and our own Dave Short, Kenny Greig and Thomas Lynch for turning up at 6.00am on a Saturday and giving their all to help the cause.” Richard Lamb, Divisional Director, TEXO Workspace Solutions
“Thank you so much for the generous donation of toys for the children who are x-rayed and scanned in the radiology department at The Royal Aberdeen Childrens Hospital. It was extremely kind and thoughtful of TEXO who donated these items. They will make lots of boys and girls of the north east of Scotland very happy. These toys mean a great deal to them and it takes away a small part of the stress involved in attending our department. Also, hopefully if they have to attend in the future, they will firstly be reminded of the gift they received as opposed to the pain and stress they possibly had to endure. Thus, reducing their anxiety and worries. Thank you also so much for the box of biscuits and tea. This will be very much enjoyed by all the staff. It is greatly appreciated and extremely kind.”
– Shonah Simpson, Paediatric Radiographer, RACH